Our Mission

The Transfiguration of culture. With a capital T.

Yes. The world as we know it seems damned. Yes. Culture is a seldom-used word with a misplaced denotation. But vestiges of beauty and light still shine through the concrete and the cellophane.

Everyday the plastic straw evolves, but beyond its narrow world the stars are shining on forgotten ruins, blessing their gargantuan repose.

The world is waiting for someone to gather the fragments into an edifice, to conduct a cosmic search for the best that has been thought and believed and known and transfigure all these shards into one glorious stained glass window for the ages -- subsume modernity's best into all of history's best: a growing tide of humanity's compulsion toward consummation.

Cultural criticism must return from dusty journals to the forefront of the public eye and be recognized as a beneficent tribunal. Art and the love of art as a true pursuit of an unattained reality must come into focus. Lazarus must be stripped of his blinding binding burial cloths.

Our mission, with this vision of greatness in mind, is to do our small part, our everyday work for the renewal of culture by maintaining this little journal of honest thought.

Do join us.

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